Thursday, December 9, 2010


Dakota came home today with a new board game. It's called bao. It's like mancala on steroids. Dakota decided I needed to learn this game tonight at about 9 pm. I have been up since 5:30 am. I have home schooled Alonzo, mixed up enough masa to make 10 dozen or so tamales, prepped the meat for the tamales, made cookies for tomorrow's Christmas parties at school, cooked the requested beef rendang, cleaned house (sorta), washed enough dishes that I hope I never see another dish again and did two loads of laundry. Oh and I may have had a glass of wine or two sometime this evening.

I lost. I still have no idea how to play the game. What I do know the is the board is very pretty and I want one of my own just so it can look all decorative and cool sitting next to the fireplace with all my other board games. It is just so much cooler looking than Scrabble or Battleship. Don't you think?


Connie said...

That is an awesome find! I am confused just looking at it ;D So many games are easier played on PC these days, but some are meant to be 'real', not virtual games. I have a wooden cribbage board that my father carved. I love it, even though we hardly ever play.

Just US said...

The case is incredible! What a great find!

Daniela said...

Oh, thats an art piece - gorgeous!

Bfiles said...

that is one cool board game!
and you are one cool mom. just sayin'.

Monica said...

hahahahahahaha! you totally need one. it will look so good on you. ;o) AND did you just basically nod your head and drink your wine while you were supposed to be learning/playing? because after your day - that's all anyone should expect. xoxoxoxo.

Jen said...

It's gorgeous and I would do the exact same thing (get one and display it)!