Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Makeover


SandyCarlson said...


Anonymous said...

That's a nice makeover

Maureen Hayes said...

Is it just me or are we talking about the pictures on the wall BEHIND him? This was really cute and fun.

Thanks for the visit to my site today and the comment. My WW post is up at:

Happy WW everyone!

Anonymous said...

When I saw the title and the first picture, I was thinking that he was going to go bald or cut his hair, or completely shave! But he still looks like David! I miss you guys so much!

Terio said...

I was with Maureen< I thought that it was the pictures in question, althou I must say the goat t looks awflly handsome.
I like the firt picture of the three girls at the beach.You should look uo Steve Hanks.

Gabriel said...

He looks younger in the second one, I think! Makeover was a success!

My WW post...

Jenn said...

I think it was the pictures. He looks the same (minus the sideburns) and I really like the women at the beach picture!!

Terio said...

So. Did you guys ever go look up Steve Hanks? The girls at the beach picture reminds me of his style.

Anonymous said...

The main difference I see is the beard -- on David, I mean. Obviously the photos on the wall are different in each shot.