I have always ben a bit of a moody person. I honestly don't know how my husband puts up with my moods, but he does and cheerfully too! What a prince, I am one lucky lady. Late February/early March is the worst time of the year. The beauty of fall is gone, the excitement and decorations of the holiday season is past, even the romance of Valentines is done. It is just dark, dull, and (here in Germany) COLD. I have been in a sort of funk for the last month. This seems to happen every year. I didn't really notice this trend until college when it seemed so much harder to make decent scores during the spring semester. Getting older is not making me any mellower.
For the last month I have done only what really needs doing. Everything seemed to take such an effort. The house cleaning and cooking have gone on as scheduled, but there haven't been any fancy meals or desserts lately, just the basics. Oh and please don't look under the sofa, the dust bunnies have really grown and are starting to get territorial. Blog posts have been few and far between. In January I managed 20 posts, in February only 5. E-mails and facebook have suffered similar fates. If you are someone who hasn't heard from me lately, my sincere apologies, and I will try to do better!
This week the fog seems to be lifting. I don't know if it the effect of the first few flowers starting to bloom, the gradually lengthening days, or the (slowly) warming temps; but I am feeling better, happy even. Today I can't seem to stop smiling. I got some strange looks on the way to the grocery this morning. Germans are generally reserved. If you go around smiling at strangers you will get some strange looks. Of course I have one more reason to smile we will be celebrating our 10th anniversary* by spending the weekend here:
That's a pretty good reason to smile, don't you think?
*Our anniversary was March 13th (Friday the 13th this year) but Castle Schönburg didn't open for the season until this weekend. Hopefully it is worth the wait.
That castle looks awesome! Where are your children going to be? How long do you get to stay?
I totally understand Shannon. I've been the same way. Mine tho - since like Thanksgiving... hang in there girl!
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