Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday-White Sands


Jen said...

Oh my, now that is just too precious!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Shannon, that is a spectacular photo! Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

that's a great shot! love it.

happy ww. :)

catsynth said...

What a great photo. Both warm and desolate at the same time.

Ingrid said...

That's a wonderful picture ! so touching !

Anonymous said...

That is a great photo! Love it!

CK Ng said...

Very nice composition. Thanks for dropping by earlier. :) Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

My, this looks so restful.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a stunning photo.

The Lone Beader® said...

Awwww.. that is darling! :D

Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL shot! happy ww!

Diana said...

Looks like they're walking in the desert! Beautiful shot!

Danielle said...

Love this. Looks like they are out in the middle of nowhere. I'm off to get a glass of ice water.

Happy WW!

Camera Totin' Idiot said...

Reminds me of the Men at Work video, Land Down Under. Cool pic.

Cassie - Homeschooling Four said...

Very cool picture!

Unknown said...

Wow, the picture says so much, and is precious.
Happy WW

Mamarazzi said...

awesome snap!

Happy Wordless Wednesday, mine is up come have a little look-see!

Robert said...

I sure hope there's water just over that ridge! Great shot.

Melanie said...

That is a great shot! Amazing.
Our Happy Happenings
Livin' With Me

Anonymous said...

so peaceful...great pic happy ww

Shelia said...

Wow, now that's an impressive capture. Simply beautiful. I'm going to stop here because I could talk all day about what I see in that photo. Wonderful.

Happy WW! :D

Gabriel said...

What a beautiful picture! It reminded me of a little beach in Brazil called "Cabo Frio" (Cold cape) where I went during my honeymoon.

The sand was of an immaculate white, and would even squeak when we stepped on it...

Thanks for dropping by, have a great WW!

My post: "Soccer stars".

Unknown said...

Oh I love white sands! Great shot!

ThreeBills said...

Great pic! Loved it.

Believer in Balance said...

That photo is amazing!!! You could frame it and hang it up in your home. I'm glad you liked my Leap Frog craft! Thanks for stopping by.