Colin looked at my finger after Grayson kissed it and said "Ohh! Mom you have the Japan flag on your finger." Not quite the reaction I wanted (OK I wanted sympathy, lots and lots of sympathy!) but seriously I want to know how many kindergarteners back home have even heard of Japan much less know what the flag looks like?

Most knowledge comes from experience and exposure.
I realize geography, as a subject, hasn't been studied in the states since Grandma's day, but they actually teach geography at JIS.
Geography as a stand alone subject is not taught until High School. Then, I believe, it is an electivec. Geography is taught through Social Studies here with an emphasis on geography 2 times a week. Not enough, but then again, it is not a tested area! It ALWAYS comes back to "The Test".
getting better already? :)
Much better, thanks for the sympathy!
I know Abby doesn't!!!
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