Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wordless Wednesday-A Boy and Camera


Anonymous said...

He doesn't like his picture taken, huh? heehee
Love those beautiful eyelashes. What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, very cute sequence. He can make goofy faces, but oh -- those blue eyes! Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

Pulau Ketam is located off the coast of Klang, Malaysia. Thanks for dropping by. :)


CJ said...

Don't you love how hammy they can get? Love the pictures and thanks for stopping by.


chartao said...

Guess the boy is having great deal of fun with the camera!!

cam-whoring! haha!

thanks for dropping by my blog!

Jan Parrish said...

Oh, give him a treat. Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

The kids got a great eye for photography! Love it!

Shannon said...

Actually I left my camera lying about and found him hold the camera at arms length taking pictures of himself. Maybe I should have called it self portraits.

Jen said...

Very fun and made me giggle! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Great shot, the eyes & eyelashes are irresistable.

Robin said...

Great faces! I'll have to show them to my son. Hopefully it will cheer him up and distract him from the fact that he's sick on his birthday.

Donna. W said...

I predict you'll be driving the ladies away from the door in droves before too long. That boy is handsome, even with the faces he's making.

Unknown said...

Great family photos!

The Lone Beader® said...

Haha! Cute!:D

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures I find on my camera,....these are too cute!

ellen b. said...

Ahh youth! Fun shots...

Unknown said...

Those are some great self-portraits!

Natalie said...

What a goof!

Mommy Lutchi said...

love the faces...thanks for sharing.

Mine is up at 4SeasonsOfMyLife
Hope to see you too. Happy Wordless Wednesday.

carrie said...

yep, those have boy written all over them.

Utah Mommy said...

Oh i love those blue eyes and the curly lashes. He's cute and silly. Happy ww and happy valentines day!
Hair Cut or Life Cut?
My Little Funny Boy

Gabriel said...

Great pictures!!! You should come to see my WW post from two weeks ago, "Clowns in stripes". You'll see why! :-)

Also, please check my WW post for this week: First steps.

Happy WW!

Ingrid said...

All the same, lol !

Jenn said...

That kid is so goofy (& unbelievably adorable). I only hope Jorden is as much fun as Alonzo when he's that age! I can't wait till this summer for them to get to play together!

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

I get a ton of those pictures on my camera from my 15 yr old!

Tina said...

Hi Shannon, those pictures are GREAT, they really light up my day!

How is packing?
Have a great Valentine’s Day, Tina

(BTW, I tagged you... check it out)

Shelia said...

A #1 stunner, LOL. Great pictures.

Happy WW!