Thursday, October 2, 2014

Current Craft Project

I really like making things, it doesn't matter if it is redoing a kitchen, cooking, or playing with yarn and fabric. I like seeing it all the pieces come together into a finished form.  Currently I am quilting, or trying to anyway.  I made my first little baby quilt in 22 years last spring.  I am really happy with how it came out so I am trying another.  So far I am really happy with how it is looking so far.

Aren't the colors so bright and cheerful?  I kinda wish this were a full sized quilt for my bed not a baby quilt for a friend. 

Here is my sewing set up on a lovely Drexel table. And yes maybe I am watching a little KLG on AFN  while I SEW. 

Here is my hand drawn quilt layout plan.  It took me a ridiculous amount of time to find an idea I like then draw out the plan and count squares to make sure I had enough of each color to do what I wanted to do.  This is my umpteenth attempt at a plan.  I am sure there is an easier way to do this, but it was fun playing around with ideas and staring at the fabrics and ideas on Pinterest before I finally worked it all out.  


Daniela Swider said...

I am exactly like you. I love making things with my hands and when too much time passes and I haven't it really bugs me. I just bought a new sewing machine and have been looking around online for something to make with it. Haven't decided yet but can't wait. It's been too long... Good luck with the quilt. I have never actually quilted but am intrigued by the idea. It seems complicated though and I am intimidated. The colors and design that you have picked look wonderful! Can't wait to see the finished product.

Monica said...

um. impressed!!!! such cheerful colors - perfect for baby!