Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I'm skipping the whole New Year's Resolution thing this year. This year I'm joining the one little word movement.  A bloggy friend introduced me to this idea. It sounds so much healthier than the annual ritual list of completely unattainable resolutions that I will never stick to. As far as I can tell all resolutions have ever done for me is make me feel bad about myself.  So why do I keep making resolutions year after year after year if it is just going to end up making me feel bad?  You got me.  When put this way it sounds a bit silly, doesn't it?

So one little word.  What would your word be?  It's hard to choose.  After a lot of thought, and possibly several beers, I settled on a word.  Change.  One syllable.  Such a simple word, but such a difficult concept.  I really, truly suck at change.  I fight against it every time.  I don't like change.  A bit ironic considering we move every couple of years for my husband's job.  Not just a move across town, across the state, or even across the country.  No, we move from country to country.  Talk about change.  New languages, new customs, new time zone.  And I fight again it every step of the way.

I want to learn to embrace change.  Big changes and small changes.  I want to be the person who welcomes the challenges of a new country, instead of being the person who skips the whole honeymoon period and heads straight into depression.  I want to hang on to those routines and traditions that work for us as a family, but I want to be brave enough to change those things that need changing.  (Is this where I am supposed to ask for the wisdom to tell the difference?) I want to look at a menu, and instead of ordering the same old thing I want to change it up and try something new.  I want to change my weight goals to true fitness goals that will change the way I feel, and the way I feel about myself.

One little word.



Nomads By Nature said...

I read her blog to and have been thinking about my word rather than resolutions. Those belong in Chinese fortune cookies for their attainability and accuracy, don't you think?

I love the word you've chosen and look forward to any insight you have with it. That and to hear all about your impressions and happenings in Oman. :)

Happy New Year! and all the best as you approach and embrace all the changes you will meet in 2013!

Monica said...

great post! i love how all the talk made it to the printed page (well, computer screen). nice. BUT (because everyone has a big butt), really, really hard. such a hard word. congrats to you, my friend for your ambition! i was thinking possibly my word could be "food?" there could be a teensy bit of depth in that, right?

Connie said...

I've never liked resolutions or having only one day a year that we're supposed to make them! I like your word. Change is hard, but it's a good thing too. Happy New Year to you and yours!

Just US said...

Great word choice! That was one of the ones I considered for this year as well. Change can be oh so hard and I too fight against it. Good luck at your goal for this year and I am anxious to hear how you do embracing change!

FFXI GIL said...

great post! i love how all the talk made it to the printed page (well, computer screen). nice. BUT (because everyone has a big butt), really, really hard. such a hard word. congrats to you, my friend for your ambition! i was thinking possibly my word could be "food?" there could be a teensy bit of depth in that, right?