Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday -- I am NOT a Turkey!


Connie said...

yea, but I bet it tastes just like chicken! ;)

Monica said...

he's running like he's a turkey.

Shannon said...

I am thinking if I couldn't find a turkey (I did, you do NOT want to know what I paid) I would try guinea hen. I have had farm raised ones in the states and they were tasty. Wild is bound to better for you right?

Connie said...

The scrawny little 12lb'er we picked up here was far more costly than any Butterball has the right to be too. It better be good! I've never tried guinea hen, but am not against eating them.. my neighbor had some and they were mean! We couldn't ride our bikes by his house because they were the bike police and would peck our ankles. We had to get off and walk by the house, or else. (They were fast too, btw, no getting past them).

Shannon said...

I think ours weighs 11 pounds and I could have bought 3 or 4 BIG butterballs for what we paid here.

Not only are guineas mean they are loud which is how we ended up eating them. We had snakes bad one summer so Mom and our nearest neighbor bought some baby guineas that were supposed to grow up and keep the snakes away. Instead they attacked us when we did chores and woke us up at 4 in the morning. They didn't last long but they did taste good. We decided we could just shot the snakes, at least the rattlers and copperheads.

Connie said...

I didn't know about the snakes.. very interesting.. they are mean enough! I don't remember the noise. He lived several blocks away. My neighbor's hens would hide in the grass and wait. Even if we didn't see them, they'd see us! I bet they were tasty >;-)