Wednesday, August 11, 2010

He's a Little Confused

Grayson has provided our sound track as we toured around DC the last week or so. He really likes to sing, loudly. He doesn't really care if he has the words right, if he can't remember the words he just makes it up as he goes along. Lately his favorite song is American Pie but he also likes the Weird Al Yankovic version The Saga Begins. Rather than choose he just combines the two song and belts it out everywhere we go. Here is Grayson's own special nonsensical version:

Bye bye Mr. Anikan Guy,
May be Vader some day later
'Cept we have a small fly
Good boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singing that will be the day that I die.

Repeat ad nauseam at increasingly loud volumes as you wander about the tourist sights. Guaranteed to bring some baffled stares.


Unknown said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!! Steve and I are cracking up!

Connie said...

I love it! My daughter is a singer too... and a constant talker... we've always said that she was born with her own soundtrack. :)