Last night when David open his e-mail I knew instantly something good had happened. He finally got the message he had been waiting for. It is official, all the paperwork hoops have been jumped through, all the red tape barriers have been broken. Dave is now a grad student. Way to go babe, we are so proud of you!
Whoo hoo!!!!!
Congrats! More details please! School in Germany? What will he be studying? How exciting.
I have entered into an MS degree in the Management of Technology. Unfortunately I don’t speak German and we wont be in Germany long enough for me to complete the degree. I will be attending Texas A&M Commerce via their E-college. With work, play, and family and am limiting myself to one class per semester, so I don’t think I will be finishing until spring of 2013. I am trying to work with the State of Texas to give me instate tuition seeing that I am a Texas resident. I will post more on that later. I am looking forward to continuing my education and venturing down this new road.
Keep fighting for in-state tuition! Congratulations Brother! You will be # 2!! Who will be # 3??
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