Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wordless Wednesday-Our Backyard Fence


Rayne said...

What are you trying to keep out? That is one serious fence.

Anonymous said...

That photo leaves me with a million questions, the first one being whether you are trying to keep people in or keep people out?!?!?!

Junebug said...

Razonwire? I hope that's not prison.

Aldon Hynes said...

The contrast between the razor wire and the ivy is striking and I, too, wonder what the story is.

Anonymous said...

wow, that is some fence!

Rene Perez said...

I'll assume you don't like guests. :-D

Natalie said...


MomOf4 said...

That fence means business! Wow!

Daisy said...

Wow, I would like to know where you live. But not because I am a stalker-cat or anything.

Ingrid said...

Are you in jail ??? lol !

Anonymous said...

that looks like a jail -- hope it's not. that's some fence!

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

talk about a privacy fence!

Anonymous said...

oh, what a very nice picture. lol happy ww

Unknown said...

Hey! Look @ you! Doing WW! :) I do it when I remember. I'll have to add you to my list. :)

Scary fence btw!

Shannon said...

We live in Jakarta Indonesia, in an Embassy housing compound. Most houses here, not just embassy compounds, have serious fences topped with either barbed wire, spikes, or broken glass. Our fence looks bad right now because the old rusty wire was recently replaced so the ivy had to be cut back in the process and the new wire is very shiny.
Most houses also employ jagas, or guards. Our compound has guards as well. It is very weird at first, but you get used to it quickly.