Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wordless Wednesday-Pizza Man


Anonymous said...

One for me, please. ;-)

Aline de Chevigny said...

Nice Fountain


Anonymous said...

Now that's some pizza! Happy WW!

Ingrid said...

I would already be in the fountain if I had to pose like that, lol !

Head Gaggler said...

Wow, lookie at that statue!

Jos said...

Looks like they ordered extra pepper on that ;)
Great WW picture - Jos:)

D. Renee Bagby said...

Now push it. That's right. You should feel your leg muscles stretching. don't forget to breath.

Mary said...

Very cool! I think dude needs to eat a few more pizzas though, he's kind of on the bony side ;)Happy WW!

catsynth said...

Nice photo.
We need more monuments to pizza, I think

Shelia said...

Great capture. What is that?

Anonymous said...

lol the pizza is really delievert hot lol happy ww

Anonymous said...

Great picture!

Anonymous said...

Probably the first HOT pizza ever delivered. That would warrant a statue. :)

Daisy said...

Hahahaha! Is he really delivering a pizza? I hope so. With extra anchovies for me!