Monday, December 22, 2008

Shopping Trip

This morning we took the kids on a surprise shopping trip. We have been planning this for several weeks. We were supposed to head up into the Taunus after the shopping trip but Mother Nature isn't cooperating. It is warmer this week than it has been in over a month, even up high in the Taunus mountains it is too warm for snow. We wanted to go up into the snow fields because this morning we bought a sled, snow saucer, snow pants, snow boots and I finally have a heavy coat. David's only request was that my coat not be black so he can spot me in a crowd, I don't think he can loose me in that green!  Anyway now the kids are anxiously watching the extended weather forecast hoping for snow so they can try out the new gear.  Yesterday was the first official day of winter. I think they will get plenty of chances to use it yet this winter, and next!

OK We're ready it can snow now!

Letting our true colors hang out!

In the mean time the kids are enjoying some outdoor play. It is still very gray and overcast but it isn't too cold so they are outside riding bikes and playing at the playground. When they are inside they have been playing cars and blocks for he last 2 days (TV is STILL dead!). I discovered an old roll of painters tape and used it to make a roadway on the floor. The boys have been building and demolishing cities every since. If you try this make sure you use painters tape not masking tape. Yes, there is good reason for this. Painters tape is low tack so it will come up off the floor easily and leave little or no residue, the bright color is just a bonus. Masking tape on the other hand is very sticky, and leaves mess after you pull it up.

The young hip urban designer considering what to build next.

1 comment:

Nancy M. said...

That's a very neat idea! I could do that to make my son some roads for his cars.