Thursday, January 29, 2015

Project Updates January - I Have Fabric!

Let the crafting begin.  YAY!

My favorite fabric company had a bunch of specials over the holidays and I spoiled myself by ordering a few things.  Look at all the pretty colors.

If you look carefully you'll realize they are all tossed on top of the project in progress from a few months ago.  That quilt top got sidelined while I waited for shipments, but everything to finish it has arrived and I am back on track.  The top is finished, the quilt is sandwiched and basted and I am trying to decide how to quilt this one.

While I think about that, here's a closer look at the goodies I have received.

Some pretty pink and brown fabrics for the second little girls quilt I have planned.  I can't wait to get started on this one.  Both the pink quilts, this one and the one on the table underneath all the new fabric, will be going to the same family for their special little girls.  I wanted them to be quite different from each other.  I hope the girls love the soft Minky backings I choose. It feels like heaven so fluffy and warm, but I am a little freaked out about sewing it.  The free motion foot I ordered arrived broken and in pieces. The walking foot is still MIA in the mail system.  I hope when it does show up it's in better shape than the free motion foot.  All the tutorials I have watched suggest using a walking foot for dealing with Minky and its tendency to creep and stretch.  I may just have have to cross my fingers and give it a go with a regular presser foot.

These three charm pack were freebies.  Two were ones I picked out with the quilters cash I collected for spending so much money, The third was the daily deal.  I just got lucky that the colors for all three match almost perfectly.  I have no idea yet what I am going to make with those, but I think it might be something just for me.  I'll figure that one out later.  I love free fabric. And spending hours daydreaming my way through Pinterest searching for ideas for new projects. Win Win.

If you look carefully at the picture above there are two Eric Carle prints from the book the Very Hungry Caterpillar and a matching charm pack. These are for little boy's baby quilt going to a dear freind.  I love the bright happy colors.  It should be fun  to work up.  That project is on the to-do the list right after the two pink quilts.  Hopefully I'll have it done by the end of February, insha'Allah.

And finally these fabrics are for my own (not so) little munchkin who loves bugs and I-Spy books.  I want to try a quilt as you go method for this one, but will have to wait for a new, and hopefully not broken, free motion foot to arrive before I can start on this one.  I think I have enough to keep me busy until then.

What projects are you working on?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Favorite Word of all Time


Like magic all fights stop and, everyone scrambles to find what ever they didn't pack.

There are always things not packed even though Mom -that's me- spent at least 20 minutes last night interrogating various children, "Are you totally packed and ready for school? Are you sure? Do you have your PE kit?  Flute/Euphonium/Recorder?  Swim suit towel? Homework?  iPad charged? BlahBlahBlahBlah...." Lots of eye rolling and "Yessssss Motheerrrrrr" in response.  And still, every morning, the scramble.


Looks of panic. Fights stopped mid sentence. 2 minutes of mad scramble. Blessed quiet.  I can finally drink my coffee. Clean the mess left in the kitchen from 3 kids making breakfast and 1 dad making 3 lunches.  Put my feet up and just enjoy a moment of peace.


My new favorite word ever.