I am not sure why my kids spend so much time watching Animal Planet or NatGeo Wild. They are far more entertaining, and often more terrifying than anything I've yet seen on either channel. Currently the boys are watching Austin Stevens chase hyenas around Africa. I have no idea why, and it seems like a spectacularly bad idea to me, but the boys seem to be into it.

Colin wants to have an animal TV show when he an adult. Considering what my daily life looks like I am betting he could just make that happen. He has a plan. He will go to the Coast Guard academy getting his degree in biological-environmental sciences. This part of the plan may or may not be heavily influenced by Dad. Then after he serves his time as an officer he will return to college to get his masters in herpetology, then he figures he should be ready for his own television show.

Update on assorted animals: The pied crow did not have a broken wing. We think possibly one of the guards had thrown a rock at him, and he was stunned, but not really hurt. Dave was able to walk right up to the bird and pick him up. We took him to the wildlife center but when David opened the basket it simply flew away. David was pretty surprised. Most of the lizards, both frogs, and the millipedes were released unharmed. A couple of lizards did become snake food because snakes need to eat too. The hedgehog will be released before bedtime even if I have to do it myself. Squirtle has yet again taken up residence in the large konde, oh yay. Sarcasm intended. I am sure that tomorrow will bring more animals. At least my life is rarely boring.

I spoke too soon. While I was editing pictures for this post the cry went up "SNAKE!!" and now all the boys, including David, are outside with the guard looking for a snake, in the garden, in the dark, in Malawi. This seems like an even worse idea than chasing hyenas around Africa but there you have it, a future Animal Planet star in the making. I really hope they DON'T find it. Nope, my life is rarely boring.
A nature show in the backyard. I love it. Fantastic pictures.
I can totally see that show already. You guys are awesome.
This is hilarious. And the hedgehog is so darn cute!
Start filming now!! You already got it going on in the backyard - just send in the tapes and see what happens! Bet you he has his nature show before long and college will be paid for!
Hoping that the snake went away - after spending a weekend with puff adders and other creepy crawlies in South Africa, I can't imagine purposely chasing one down!
Wellthatwasdifferent - I wish my boys would find more hedgehogs and fewer bugs and snakes. They are way cuter. If we had anyway of taking care of it and feeding it properly I would be really tempted to keep it, but it is better for that critter to be in the yard.
Nomads so far, although we have found many snakes in the yard, none of them have been of the dangerous variety. I still live in fear. I have heard one too many people talk about finding spitting cobras or boomslangs in their yard to relax.
Such great pics and great experiences for your family. Though I grew up in the US Midwest, I drug home more pets that my mom cared for too. Ask my husband... on our first date hiking, I drug a snapping turtle home... but for dinner. Ahh, redneck at heart.
Keep up the adventures and great moments with your cool kids!!
Song reference! I got it!
A song that has now been playing in my head now for two days!! :)
Sorry about that, I can't get the song out my head either. It seems like a clever title at the time.
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