Friday, July 2, 2010

Almost Gone

This was not the post I meant to write this morning. I had planned something else entirely. It will have to wait. Today was our last full day in Frankfurt. The last day the kids would go to the Metropolitan School. The last day we would wander down the Zeil. The last day we would walk from our house to Rewe to grab a doner from the Kabab guy. The last day we would eat dinner at the field house. The last day we would sit in the yard with our neighbors watching our kids play together while we talked.

Dave finished up at work yesterday and spent the day with me, he always does when we move. He knows I do not embrace change the way he does. I find change difficult and upsetting. Good choice in lifestyles, huh?

We took care of a few things we had been meaning to do. We walked through the big cemetery down near his work. I like walking through old cemeteries, I find them peaceful, at least in the daylight. We had been meaning to do that since we arrived. We hit up the kitchen supply store downtown, the fancy one that puts William Sanoma to shame, and bought a very nice new knife for the kitchen. We were supposed to do that for our anniversary a few months back since the eleventh anniversary is steel. We always choose a gift together that we will both like, and the last few years we have been trying to go with the traditional gifts, but somehow this year we got busy and didn't get to it until today. We also checked out the new Apple Store to check out the ipads, they are cool but really just seem like a super sized ipod touch. It isn't for me, not right now anyway.

Tonight we are finishing off what has turned out to be a very good, if emotionally charged day, by packing and cleaning. I am glad to have this time to say goodbye to the house that has been our home for two years while the kids are in bed. I can cry tonight, and tomorrow I will (hopefully) be able to stay calm to help them through their tears.

Tomorrow we will wake up in this house for the last time and walk to the bakery down the road for one last pastry. We will say goodbye to our van, which will be heading back to the states to live with Dave's brother. We will board a plane that will take us to Texas where we will visit with old friends and family for a bit before heading out to new adventures.


A Daring Adventure said...

Oh, honey. I'm sorry to hear that you are/will be crying. I know that I would also be crying, but I hate hearing that you're crying.

It's so phenomenal that you guys are in a position to take your last 24 hours to enjoy your post and say a gentle goodbye to it. I'm NEVER that organized. Our last 24 hours anywhere is filled with so much chaos that there are never any peaceful moments of reflection. So - good for you guys.

So sorry it's all so bittersweet... That'll be me in - three years?

Daniela Swider said...

Goodbyes are hard for me too, so I understand but this is also a new beginning for you guys. Best of luck in your new adventure!

Bfiles said...

I totally hear you, too. How great that you can have a calm last day or two. All the best as you travel back to TX.

Monica said...

anxiously awaiting your arrival. love you guys. xoxoxoxo

TulipGirl said...

"The last day. . ." Oh, near tears reading that. It's never easy to say goodbye, even if we know that good awaits in the future.