During all the chaos of packout we had suffered a family tragedy. Our sweet cat suddenly became ill and passed away. I have been too upset to write about it before now. We have had Fluffy since he wandered up to our back porch one day almost a decade ago. He was bedraggled, missing patches of fur, and someone had shot him with a pellet gun. Of course we told Alonzo not to touch him which of course he did grabbing his tail and dragging him across the floor. Fluffy didn't bite him or even snarl at him he just lay there and purred. We decided then and there that this cat was meant for our family. After a little love and care his coat came back in and he turned into a very handsome gentleman with his long fluffy brown fur and his two different colored eyes. He greatly resembled a Miane Coon.

He would go on long walks through the neighborhood with us, he would sit in the yard with me when I was working in the garden often rushing to the sidewalk to flop on his back and present his tummy for some rubbing to people walking by. He also would defend our yard against the evil of dogs, terrorizing many of the neighborhood canines. He did learn to tolerate our little poodle we had back then, although I don't think he really understood why we would let the enemy in our house. He would sit in my lap in the evening to watch TV and if I was playing with the computer he would either head butt my hand while I was typing or firmly place his paw on the keyboard until I put aside the computer and paid attention to him.

We have no idea what happened. Monday night he watched TV with me as always. He seemed fine. Wednesday when the movers were arriving he was acting strangely and we were worried about him but later in the day he seemed to perk up. By Thursday it was clear he was a very sick kitty. We left the movers with Dakota and took the cat to the vet. She said there wasn't much hope so we held him until it was over. The vet said these things do happen sometimes and there usually is no clear reason why. We are relieved that it happened now and we could be with him until the end and not in the hold of an airplane when he would be alone and scared. He is greatly missed.
Goodbye Fluffy you were the best cat a family could have.
Oh honey, I am so, so sorry... it's so hard losing a pet, especially one who comes into your life so memorably. I've always thought that pets who were mistreated before you got them are the most loving companions you can find, because they know how much worse their lives could be. The terrible thing about pets is that they live much shorter lives than we do, but think of how much more miserable we would be if we had to live life without them. Be strong, and know that Fluffy was so lucky to have you!
Oh, how sad! It made me cry! At least you had many happy times together, and at least the end was peaceful.
I am so sorry you lost a much loved pet. In the middle of all the other craziness with your move, no less! Hang in there - hopefully remembering all the good times you had will him will bring you piece.
Oh SHANNON. My heavens. I am so profoundly sorry. I just can't EVEN imagine. I was absolutely shocked to come to your blog and see this. With everything else raining down upon you and now you lose a beloved kitty? Shannon, that is just horrible. My heart just aches for you and your family.
The only other thing was - and you touched upon it - I am SO SO glad that whatever happened to him did NOT happen during the travels back to the US. You would, of course, have thought that it was the travels that sickened him, and even though everything would have appeared that way, it would have been wrong. So the only thing I am grateful for in this situation is the timing, for how much worse would it feel if you were lead to believe that something you did (like put him on a plane) had sickened him?
Oh, Shannon, I am SO very sorry. I just can't even tell you how sorry I am and how upset for you I am. I truly understand. The loss of a pet is felt so deeply, and it is only compounded when you are facing so many other forms of pain, sorrow and loss. My heart is hurting for you, dear friend...
Shannon, I am so sorry for your loss. It looks like he was a very special cat.
I'm so sad and sorry for your loss! :( He was a gorgeous kitty. I know he will be missed.
I'm so sorry Shannon.
My condolences. So glad it happened before the move-out - it would have been so terrible for his passing to have happened during the chaos and confusion of the move.
The last picture is one of my favorite pictures! I will miss FluffY We were so looking forward to being his retirement home! Bob is disappointed; she thought she would have a sugar kitty! I concure with the others; timing was actually good. She had a great decade with the Mullins family and to steal a blog name, "A Daring Adventure!" MEOW
I'm sorry about your cat. I had a cat who looked and acted so similar. Like a dog in cat clothes, always came when called, loved attention, "talked" when spoken to, tolerated all kinds of kid attention.
I know you'll miss Fluffy for a long time. Feel better.
Oh, I am so sorry to read about Fluffy! Thinking of you guys tonight...
Natalie and I join the chorus of sympathizers. It must be an incredibly trying time in mist of the chaos going on right now.
Oh no! I am so sorry to read this news. Our pets become an integral part of our lives and it hurts when we lose them. A true blessing that he was with you at the end. ((((hugs))))
aw. my favorite cat. :o( so sad. have not been on a computer in a week, so sorry i missed this. :o(
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