Last night I noticed the household lice magnet was again scratching his head. UUUUGGGGHHH! School let out last week and I thought we were safe from the creepy crawly plague. Apparently he kept a few souvenirs of his time in second grade. Ever wondered what they look like? Here is a close up of one I pulled out of his hair this morning. I just spent the last two hours scrubbing his head with RID, and imitating a monkey as I combed through his hair searching for the nits left behind. Next is washing his sheets and blankets and vacuuming his bedroom in hopes that I will find all of the mini-beasts and banish them from our house, hopefully forever! This was not what I had planned for today. I gotta go my head is itching now! Bet you were scratching your head too, weren't you?
My head is scratching! My friend told me to start brushing coconut oil into my kids head before he starts preschool. For some reason they don't like oil.
Oh Oh now i feel itchy itchy though i know there is nothing in my head. is is quite a common problem with kids attending school.
Freedom Debt Relief
Oh I SO feel your itchiness!!! Been there and done it. Rhianna was scratching her head yesterday and I (at the library mind you), picked through her head to be sure there was nothing to see! LOL! Hugs!!!!
Ewwww...I am SO not looking forward to that. And I also feel itchy all over now too. Ughhg...!
Thank goodness we have not had to deal with lice yet! There was one girl in his class who had lice so I checked his head and thankfully didn't find anything! Whooo, safe--for now...
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