Monday, January 31, 2011

No More Beans?

The government of Malawi is proposing a new law that would make farting in public illegal. How am I supposed to enjoy a big bowl of chili and beans if I can't fart? 'Cause you know the old kids rhyme "Beans beans the musical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot..." has a lot of truth to it. Add in some beer and deviled eggs and we could have a serious problem going on. Sadly I am not kidding you can read the story here.


Bryn said...

That is hilarious and ridiculous all at the same time. What about those who are "silent but deadly"? How do you pin that on a certain person? Wow!!!!

Just US said...

That is hilarious! I want to know what the punishment will be and how they are going to "prove" it was a certain person.

Kate said...

I'm pretty sure this is the best thing I'm going to read today.

Monica said...

OMG. hilarious. you know that could never happen here in the bean capital of the world. ;o)

Doug Ferguson said...

You're just going to have to claim diplomatic immunity!

Anonymous said...

Don't they know if you hold them in you'll explode? I can see it now, "Obama declares state of emergency in Malawi as people spontaneously exploding by thousands. Kidney, soya beans both implicated and at large for crimes against humanity. Gruesome footage...(long pause) at 11".

Daniela Swider said...

Yeah, they'll need special fart police units to enforce it. How prestigious!

Unknown said...

I read that and thought....Diplomatic immunity.

Nomads By Nature said...

Wouldn't want to be the officer in charge of sniffing out crime. Imagine, too, how embarrassing it would be to be PNG'd for flatulence from serving in a country plagued with GI issues.