The ball always opens with very moving speeches honoring the men and women who put their life on the line protecting and defending our country. Makes it a little hard to keep the make-up intact. Following the speeches is the presentation of the cake. Yes there is a cake, a very large cake. It is cut with great ceremony using a sword. Sadly we didn't have a good view so no pictures of the cake cutting this year. The first piece of cake is offered to the guest of honor, in this case Consul General Jo Ellen Powell. The second piece goes to the oldest marine in attendance. The third piece goes to the youngest marine in attendance. The youngest marine in attendance was born in 1987. I am feeling old y'all!
After the opening ceremonies comes the eating, the picture taking, and the dancing. So much fun.

David and I have been taking bets as to which, if any, of our children will follow us in a life with the foreign service. Last night I think we figured it out. Just before we left Colin come running downstairs yelling "Wait for me I am going too I am all dressed, I just need my shoes." He looked so cute wearing his recital clothes. We said we were sorry this was a no kids kind of night but took his picture 'cause he is just too darn cute! Perhaps some day he will put on his tux and head to the ball himself.

Colin looks so cute! Such a grown up little man! SPeaking of Grown up men... Yawza! Those MArines look hot! Not to mention how gorgeous you look, Shannon. David, you look like 007! I'm glad to hear that you all had such a great time!
Wow, Shannon, you look AMAZING girl!! :) You are a hot Mama! ;) Looks like so much fun!! I do live vicariously through you. :)
How glamorous! You both look mah-velous. And how amazing that a kid Colin's age would voluntarily dress up like that. I'm impressed.
you look gorgeous and colin is so cute
You look Gorgeous!!!!!!!
Colin is just too cute, wanting to come too.....oh how adorable!
beautiful dress...
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