Instead of a party we took him shopping on Saturday to buy a new pet and shoes. Guess which one he liked better? If you were a seven year old boy which would you like better, new school shoes or a snake named Ribbon?

Sunday, on his actual birthday, we went for a family hike in Oberursel and found a prehistoric Celtic settlement site. More accurately we found signs pointing the way to a prehistoric site. We didn't actually make it all the way to the settlement this time. We had to pick up Cody from his leadership weekend and decided to arrive early for some hiking, but that put us on a time schedule so now we all have our fingers crossed for decent hiking weather next weekend.
When we arrived home I cooked the birthday dinner Colin requested: fish sticks, macaroni and cheese, and canned spinach. I think the menu may have been chosen less for what Colin likes and more for what Alonzo hates. Certainly Colin looked pleased with himself when Alonzo saw dinner laid out on the table. Poor Alonzo! Cake and ice cream made everything better. Colin asked for a chocolate vanilla cake with chocolate dipped strawberries. I tried my best. Colin was a bit disappointed that a last minute request to change it to ribbon snake cake was not honored but these things take planning and I already had a pile of chocolate dipped strawberries.

I am glad that Colin had a good day. I hope he read his e-mail. By the sound of his birthday dinner, he did) I wish I could have a pet snake...NOT!!! The sneakers are very cool.
happy birthday.. he has exotic like for pets.. cool though.. and scary too.. please visit my wordless wednesday.. its up already.. i will not be able to log in tomorrow (Oct 1, 2008)thats why i'm visitng all you guys today..
My entries are here. and here
Memory Filled
Sweety tots
Hah! I can't believe how old these guys are! It is hard to believe Jorden will be TWO next month, it's ridiculous that they are all OLD! Does that mean that I'm old? hmm..
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